My experience in graphic design includes newsletters, brochures, logos, book design (both covers and interior pages), poster sessions, and more.
Contact me so that we can talk about your graphic needs.

Cave Creek Canyon: Revealing the Heart of Arizona’s Chiricahua Mountains, edited by Wynne Brown and Reed Peters, published 2014 by ECO Wear & Publishing, Rodeo, N.M.
I was the project manager and co-editor, along with being responsible for the the design, layout, and production. The book was a community project with 43 authors, and around 80 other contributors, including artists, photographers, proofreaders, and advisors. The 283-page book was laid out in InDesign, exported as a PDF, and printed by xxx in China. The paperback run was 3,000 copies, and we also did 300 hardbacks.
It’s available for sale at amazon or directly from the publisher.
Paradise Revealed! Life in the Shadows of the Chiricahua Mountains by Alice Newton. Design, layout, and production by Wynne Brown. This book is xx pages and contains 200 photos and was laid out in InDesign, exported as a PDF, and printed in Korea.
Spilled: A Collection by the Dry River Press, published by Casa Luna Press, 2011. Editing, design by Wynne Brown, using InDesign. Final production by Ghost River Images and printed by Lightning Source.
Poster Sessions
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© 2023 by Wynne Brown. All rights reserved.